digestive health
The prebiotic content in microgreens helps nourish the probiotic organisms in your gut. When your gut bacteria is thriving, so is your metabolism and nearly every aspect of your health.
Lower blood
Microgreens are rich in vitamin K, which has positive effects on blood pressure, can prevent blood clotting, and reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes.
Healthy skin
and eyes
Vitamins C, E, and K have antioxidant properties that protect the body from free radicals that can pose a threat to your skin and eye health.
energy levels
Potassium, iron, zinc, and magnesium in microgreens work together to to help support healthy metabolic energy, improve focus, and strengthen muscle function.
We're one of the only green powders that can promise you zero use of pesticides because our microgreens are grown in an indoor, fully controlled farm—without the use of pesticides, herbicides, or additives—making them even cleaner and more sustainable than organic.
Freeze-dried food is made when frozen raw ingredients are placed in a refrigerated vacuum system and, without thawing, are dehydrated. During this process, cell structure remains intact—resulting in high-quality ingredients with the same color, shape, flavor, and nutrients as the fresh product.
During our freeze-drying process, no additives or preservatives are used, ensuring a self-stable, but just as nutritious product. We freeze-dry our greens in the same fully-controlled environment they're grown in—free of milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, or soy.